To Race or Not To Race

close up photo of woman tying her white sneakers on running track

This has been a question that I’ve been mulling around for a while. I’m not sure if it’s because of everything that’s happened in the last two years or just that I’m in a different life season since I last trained for a big race. I’ve considered a lot of different options and even wrote out a pros and cons list. Maybe you’ve been in a similar situation before and can share some tips for me!

To Race or Not To Race?

Why The Sudden Hesitancy?

That’s a good question that I truly don’t have an answer to. I have a big feeling that it’s due to CrossFit. Prior to that I was on a high of running a big marathon. Running was something I always made time for and even if it was hot outside, I still got out there and did it. Group runs were a non-negotiable for me. With CrossFit, I get my hour in before the sun is up and I’m done. I have my handful of friends who I see most days of the week and it’s a nice routine. I get miles in during CrossFit workouts so why would I want to workout twice a day to run more? Many group runs were cancelled and while some have started up, it’s been so long that I feel like I would be forcing it.

Normally, I would encourage someone in my situation to try something new and break out of the routine. However, my routine isn’t unhealthy or anything. I’m still getting workouts in. I’m filling my social quota for each day. It fits perfectly with other aspects of my life. It’s almost like if it’s not broken, why mess with it?

If I trained for a race, would I hate it?

This is also something that continues to go through my mind. I used my last big race to work through some major life events going on. It was the time I could use to focus on myself and my personal growth. Yes, I got healthy and in good shape, but it helped me mentally. I’m not saying my life is perfect but that major roadblock is no longer there for me so training for a race would be simply that. Would I hate giving up my weekends and afternoons to run miles for the sake of saying that I did it?

It’s these two questions that have led me to avoid signing up for any big races coming up. I was planning on running the half marathon course at the Chevron Houston Marathon in January but I hadn’t signed up. Something told me to hold off and I’m glad I did because I knew I wouldn’t have fun training. I did sign up to run a Turkey Trot with friends on Thanksgiving but that’s to spend time with people I love and have fun.

As of now, I don’t have anything on my race calendar and I’m totally happy with that. There is no pressure if I want to go out for a run one afternoon. I don’t have to schedule x amount of hill runs and speed work workouts in a week. I can rest and recover as my body needs to. I may feel the itch to race again in the future but for now, I’m going to go with the flow and enjoy it!

Have you ever pulled out of a race because you weren’t enjoying training for it?


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