Wodapalooza Online Qualifiers!

grayscale photo of black adjustable dumbbell

It’s been a crazy two weeks but I can say that I’m proud of myself! A few weeks ago, I shared that my next goal would be to qualify to earn at spot at Wodapalooza. These last two weeks have been lots of schedule shuffling and lots of planning. This year the Wodapalooza Online Qualifier consisted of five workouts and I wanted to share my thoughts on each workout.

Wodapalooza Online Qualifiers

“Death By 2.0” was the first workout that I did and I think nerves got the best of me. It looks simple on paper but burpee box jump overs always spike my heart rate and tear me up. I ended up getting nervous and went I went to jump on the box, I hit my shin very bad. This didn’t keep me from finishing the workout but I had a big gash on my leg and it was very swollen. I did okay but I wanted to do better.

“Seven Minutes In Heaven” was a complete 180 from the first workout. I am a huge fan of heavy lifts and this workout gave me a chance for a PR. Since I was doing the scaled version of the workouts, I didn’t have to worry about the handstand walks. I went in with a plan and I came out with a new Clean & Jerk PR! I worked up to 115lbs and it felt so amazing to have that much weight overhead.

Oh this one. “Meet Me At The Bar” was a workout that tore up your grip. I did this one before taking the weekend to rest and it was a good idea. My poor hands and arms were complete spent on this one. I’d like to see anyone do this workout and not have spaghetti arms afterwards.

This would be a workout I would consider more of an endurance event. Don’t get me wrong, I am ridiculously sore from this one because the rep scheme increases each round. However, you have to pace yourself. If you don’t, you are in for a very long workout. I liked this one a lot!

The last workout for the Wodapalooza Online Qualifiers was a SPICY one. This is one of those where you go into your dark place and just keep moving. I was happy to have the scaled weigh which was two 25# dumbbells and not two 35# dumbbells but it still was a tough one. There were a few people who saw me do this workout and I think they could tell I was dying inside. I knew I was going to hit the time cap on this one but I was proud of how much further I was able to get.

So that’s it! Five simple workouts for the opportunity to qualify for a spot in Wodapalooza in Miami. I have only been doing CrossFit for about a year so I am looking to earn a spot in the Beginner division. This is the first time I’ve done something like this and I’m always up for a challenge. I’m thankful for friends and coaches who made time to support me in this endeavor. Now the waiting begins! I’ll know at the end of the month if I got a spot so I’ll keep my fingers crossed until then!

Tell me, when’s the last time you tried something completely out of your comfort zone?


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