What I’ve Been Up To!

What I've Been Up To

Goodness gracious, it’s been a while! How are you doing? It has been a few months since I’ve updated the blog and I think that’s understandable given the state of everything right now. Today’s post will just be a tiny recap of what I’ve been up to and how I’m doing right now.

At the beginning of quarantine, I questioned even shutting down the blog completely. It didn’t feel appropriate to continue to post and write through this so I took a step back and mostly focused on sharing my workouts on Instagram. I live in Texas and at the beginning of March is when things started to unravel. Events began to get cancelled and I settled in for the long haul. Work from home orders started and while I’m considered essential, I was able to work from home for a while.

I made the decision to leave BibRave because it no longer fit me. It didn’t feel right to me to promote products and races when many of my friends in the fitness industry were suddenly unemployed. My local gym closed down permanently and the community I had built there for the past three years was shattered. I couldn’t live with myself trying to push products when my close friends were hurting.

DJ Livestream sets helped me get through the dark times of quarantine. I was home alone for a good part of March and April and it sucked. As someone who is extroverted and thrives on personal connections, it absolutely destroyed me. Lacking physical contact with other humans seriously messes with my brain. I made it work but barely.

I have since returned to working at my office and attending church. Many, many precautions are taken and I wear a mask unless I’m on stage at church. In fact, I was fortunate enough to help out the band and sing many weeks in a row since I was not high-risk/ill/expecting. I’d like to think I helped ease the burden of the other singers.

Working out was a major staple in keeping my sanity during quarantine and I was even able to sign up for a trail race! Which was just cancelled this month. Learning to deal with the disappointment has also been part of this time.

Another thing I’ve been up to is riding my Peloton and taking many classes on the treadmill. It’s so great to have the community supporting me as I reach my goals. If you have a Peloton, feel free to give me a follow: MrsRunRideSlay

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that it’s been crazy. Yet, it’s only July so how much more will the rest of 2020 bring us? Maybe it’s better if we don’t think about that and just deal with our day to day lives. That’s just a snippet of my year so far. I plan to be back here regularly and write posts that hopefully motivate you and help get you through these times.

Has there been something new you’ve tried during these times?


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