Running Update!

Running Update

Happy Thursday friends! It’s been one of those weeks where I have something to do each day. However, it’s keeping me busy in a good way so I’m going with it! The cool weather also returned with a vengeance so we’re wearing all the layers! Today I wanted to pop in and share a bit about where I am with my “injury” and my running.

Truthfully, I don’t want to write this post but I’m doing so in hopes that the questions about running stop. I don’t mind sharing information and motivating others when it comes to running but since I can’t quite do it at the moment, the personal questions get kind of annoying. The leg pain that was bothering me during the summer is completely gone and I was starting to increase my running until something happened. The frustrating part? I have no clue why it hurts.

No, it’s not the same pain and no, I haven’t dealt with this before. I’m sure many seasoned runners get tired of answering the same questions over and over and that’s where I’m at. Those close to me know this and don’t bring it up but there’s always a random person who asks. What drives me crazy is people who like to offer unsolicited advice. Running isn’t tied to my identity like it is with other people so honestly, not running at the moment gives me time to do many things that make me happy. I’ve been the absolutely happiest these past few weeks than I have been all year. I’ve been working toward life goals and I’m soaking it all in. If I was running and too busy chasing some random goal, I don’t think I would be as happy.

Next week, I’m going to another doctor for another opinion. I have no clue what’s wrong with me but the answers that I have been given lately don’t sit well with me. I know my body the most and it’s absolutely frustrating when you know there’s something wrong with you but other aren’t seeing it. Hopefully I’ll get an answer by the end of the year. Until then, my bike and I will be very good friends!

How is your fall running going so far? Have you ever been glad to be on the running sidelines before?


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