Running Tips For Beginners!

person foot on bench

As the weather cools down in some places are fall approaches, more people start heading outdoors for some miles. If you want to start running or are in the beginning stages of the sport, this post is for you! Here are a few of my favorite running tips for beginners!

Running Tips for Beginners

Tip #1: Get Fitted For Sneakers

This is my top tip for runners. I will even ask experience runners if they got fitted for shoes if they mention feet discomfort. As we age, our feet continue to grow so being able to go to a running store to get professionally fitted is a must! Knowing your running style and the type of support you need will help you make a better decision when it comes to purchasing a shoe. Buying cute shoes won’t do you any good if you end up getting sores or blisters within a few miles. Search for a local running shoe in your area and they’ll be able to help you out!

Tip #2: Attend A Group Run/Join A Running Club

If running solo is your thing, I get it. Running was my “me” time so I didn’t care to run with others when I first started out. However as I was training for a marathon, group runs helped me get my weekly miles in. If you are a beginner, these groups may seem intimidating but there will usually be a wide range of runners. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a few people close to your pace. Having that community will make it easier for you to show up when you aren’t feeling it. Plus they may be able to point you to local races and running stores. If you’re up for it, running with a faster group of people once a week will also help you get better. It’s a win-win!

Tip #3: Don’t Get Focused On Pace

Honestly, I’m not a big fan of those Instagram post with the pace on it because it’s easy to get sucked into the comparison trap. If you do have a GPS watch, change the watch face so you don’t see your pace until you finish your run. When you’re just starting out, I would focus on distance run until you feel like you got the hang of it. Knowing that you are at the beginning of your journey will keep you from comparing yourself to others that have been doing it for a while. Plus you never know what someone’s training plan is. Each person is different and remember, comparison is the thief of joy!

Those are just a handful of my running tips for beginners. Running is a great way to stay active and you can do it anywhere. If you’re just getting started on your journey or you’re getting back out there, I hope these tips helped!

If you could go back to the beginning of your running journey, what’s one tip you would give yourself?


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