Maximizing Time Outside!

Maximizing Time Outdoors

Happy Monday friends! I think this is the first time I’m actually super happy for a Monday. The holidays were great but my work schedule kept messing me up. I didn’t know what day it was half of the time! Now that I’m back to my normal schedule, this also means that I’m getting back into my workout routine.

Maximizing Time Outside

I totally get it. Not everyone lives in Texas where there are two seasons: hot and less hot. I kid but seriously, it was a lovely 70 degrees yesterday. While the occasional cold snap sends Texans hunting for their parkas, it’s usually mild enough to get outdoors. My husband doesn’t care for the winter time because the lack of sun gets him kind of down. I find that a lot of people suffer with that so that’s why I wanted to share a few ways to get outdoors!

Maximizing Time Outdoors: Midday Workout

Some lucky few have flexible schedules so that you can workout while the sun is up. If you’re like me, you tend to get your workout done before the sun comes up. After work tends not to be the best option for some because by the time you get home and get ready, the sun tends to be setting. It can take some shuffling but getting outside while the sun is up is best! Not only are you getting your workout in and setting yourself up for a productive afternoon, but you’re getting Vitamin D from simply being outdoors. Allowing yourself to take a break from your day and focusing on your mental and physical well being will have a positive effect.

Maximizing Time Outdoors: Ditch Transportation

This may or may not work on your location. I have so many friends that bike to work and a fellow blogger runs around town to get her errands done. How awesome is that?! If I need something small, I can run to the grocery store and back in about 15 minutes. Even with taking a walk, it wouldn’t be a long time. Being able to get things done while still being able to take in the outdoors is getting two things done for the price of one!

Maximizing Time Outdoors: Make The Effort

I would say that I like by my Google Calendar. If something is not in my calendar, there is a good chance that I will forget to do it. By making the effort to schedule time to sit outdoors and really take it in, I feel tons better. I don’t know what your life looks like but maybe even sneaking away from your desk to stand outside for 5 minutes is great! I know it may not seem like much but by getting away from technology and really soaking in natural outdoor light, you’re doing your body a service!

There you have it! Those are quick and simple ways to find a way to get outdoors. It’s so easy to get stuck inside in the hustle and bustle of life, even more during the wintertime. However, it’s always a good idea to try to get a little bit of sunlight, even if you’re wearing a bunch of layers to hide from the cold. Just 5 minutes can change your mood! Give it a try and let me know!

How do you find ways to maximize your time outdoors?


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