Adjusting Your Workout Routine

person holding barbell

With many states closing down gyms, a workout may be happening less and less. There is shortage of equipment since it seemed that many gym goers read the writing on the wall and snatched up everything they could before heading into quarantine. Health is important so here are a few ways I recommend adjusting your workout routine.

Adjusting Your Workout Routine

Working out at a gym or studio is way different than working out at home. The community and that atmosphere is a big selling point for some. It can be hard to mentally motivate yourself to workout when the couch is right there, calling your name. One way of adjusting your workout routine is to readdress your goals. Were you training for a particular event that may no longer be happening? I would recommend tapering back on the exercise and giving yourself a bit of a break. Yes, keep moving but you don’t have to keep the high intensity workouts just because.

If you’re working from home, you have to figure out what will work for you. Maybe you don’t have to get up before the sun is up to workout before heading into the office. Allow yourself to sleep in and workout during your lunch break before hopping back on the computer. You may notice that your workouts go much better and that you’re truly not a morning person (guilty!).

Maybe you’re still heading into the office and your gym is shut down. Make some time to workout at home. Even if it means evening walks or doing a short HIIT workout in your garage, that is movement! It sucks not having all the fancy gadgets but finding ways to keep fitness through all this is important.

Adjusting your workout routine can be a lot easier if you have a boutique studio near you renting out exercise equipment. There have been local boxes renting out weights, spin studios renting out bikes and even the row studio scheduling time for you to have the space to yourself! Obviously, these may not be available to everyone but it’s a great way to make do with what you are given.

As we continue to navigate this time, learning to how make adjustments will be beneficial in the long run. Physical health is something many of us have been working towards and it would be a shame to let that go by the wayside.

What are some ways you have had to adjust your workout routine?


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