Habits Worth Keeping

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I’m sure many of us were or are in some level of quarantine. These past few months have been interesting and I’m sure there have been waves of emotions among it all. Another thing that may have changed are your daily habits. Have you picked up any new ones? How many of those are habits worth keeping?

Habits Worth Keeping

I initially heard it from my morning radio show. What’s one thing that you have learned or one habit that you have picked up during this time that you will work on keeping as we move forward. As jarring as it has been for a few of us, others have quickly settled into new routines at home. One thing that made me laugh is how obvious it is that I’m not a morning person. I make the choice to wake up because of responsibilities I have but I’m not always happy about it. Quarantine showed me that as my daily schedule was flipped on its head. However, that was not one of the thing that I will keep moving forward.

Organizing is definitely one of my habits worth keeping. It seems silly but I would always accumulate junk and never quite put things away. There was always one reason or another. I think it all stemmed from the fact that it took MONTHS for us to unpack because we were rushed into our home. Sure the house was tidy but not quite organized. Since I had downtime, I put things in their proper place and when I get home from work, I walk the house and make sure everything is back in its place. It takes a few minutes to walk the house but everything is much easier to find and the house doesn’t look messy. This habit has made a huge improvement in my life and is definitely one of my quarantine keeps.

Some people were able to pick up their old hobbies during quarantine. I know that life gets in the way but as we move forward, why not make an effort to continue to work on that hobby? Being mindful about including these things in our daily lives can be a major improvement to our mental health. Something simple as reading a physical book once a month can be a great habit to keep! Take some time to think about your time at home during this quarantine.

What are some habits that you’ve picked up that you would consider habits worth keeping?


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