Why Core Strength Is Important For Runners

Why Core Strength Is Important For Runners

Happy Friday friends! Guys, Texas received a cool front this week and I think all the runner’s rejoiced! It sure is nice to be able to go out for a run and not return completely drenched. These past few days are just a hint of what we will receive (hopefully) in a few months. Speaking of running, today I wanted to speak a bit about why core strength is important for runners. At face value, it may not seem like these two are related but they certainly are!

When you think of core strength, you’re probably envisioning someone with a six pack. I’ll be the first to tell you I do not have one of those. On a good day, my obliques are the star of the show. However, I don’t let this discourage me because my core strength has helped my running. The act of running is basically balancing on one foot. When you are balancing or on uneven ground, your body is working hard to brace itself. That’s why core strength is important.

It’s common for your form to start deteriorating when you’ve been out for miles and you’re starting to get tired. Personally, my shoulders hunch and my butt sticks out. That’s a huge no-no and if I don’t correct it, will leave me super sore. However, keeping a strong and braced core helps me maintain the right posture. Ignoring core strength can allow you have to form imbalances and bad posture. Bad posture can snowball and does not allow you to be an efficient runner.

Like I said before, running is like balancing. Core strength is key when it comes to balance. My balance isn’t where I want it to be and it’s something I’m constantly working on. Balance is extremely important is you’re a trail runner. However, we’ve all had to dodge something at our path at one point in our running career. Having a strong core will allow you to maintain your balance and keep you front falling or rolling an ankle. Core strength is important because it allows you to stay upright even when the going gets though!

Core strength is important and it’s something that shouldn’t be neglected! All variations of planks are great for helping improve core strength. Keeping core exercises in your routine will benefit you in the long run.

Do you do core workouts regularly?


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