Mid-Year Running Recap!

Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine was filled with so many fun activities and I got to see so many great people. I wanted to pop in and do a bit of a mid-year running recap. While I know we’re basically days away from August, I figured now was a good enough time.

My year started with rest and recovery because of a nasty calf issue. I focused on bootcamp classes and weight training and it’s been amazing to see my body changing. Nowadays, I’m lifting heavier and I’m feeling more confident in my abilities. I slowly began adding some miles in and knocked out an epic half marathon in April to finally get my sub 2.

Recently, I changed my routine and have worked in some speedwork into my routine. It’s been interesting because I truly didn’t believe I could run so fast. My strength training coach is working with me on my running as well and he’s challenging me in ways that I’ve never experienced before. Once I get out of my head and really push, my stats surprise me. Even on benchmark workouts at the gym, I’m exceeding my own expectations. I’ve been at this gym for about two years now so it’s interesting to see how much I’ve grown in this short amount of time.

We’re currently in the middle of a toasty summer but it’s not discouraging me. I’ve decided to get out there and get my miles outside. Sure the treadmill is nice but I’ll opt for bootcamp classes on the tread instead of just straight running. Running outside and weight lifting in an open air gym has helped me in the past and I’m hoping it will be the same this fall. There’s about three months until my next race and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will cool off by then. Even just a bit!

My weekly schedule is currently lifting two days a week, running five days a week, and cycling twice a week. There’s a few days where I have to double up but it’s a good routine I have going on right now. That along with social commitments keeps me busy but I love it. I’m embracing the season of life I’m in right now so I’m going with the flow! My next race is in October so I’ll reevaluate once that is done.

What about you? How has your year been so far? Have you reached the goals you’ve set for yourself at the beginning of the year? I’d love to hear how your year has been so far!


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