Spotlight: Carlee McDot!

Carlee McDot

Hello, hello! Today, I’m doing another spotlight interview on a person who just makes me so happy! Carlee popped up in my Facebook feed since we are in a group together. I actually found her blog when I was entering a giveaway (no shame!) but I stayed because her message is so positive. In a world where negativity flows freely, her social media is such a breath of fresh air! Carlee is always smiling and chooses to see the good in the world. Not only that but she embraces the message to “Be The Change” by showing love and kindness through others and sharing awesome projects through her blog. I’m so thankful that Carlee took some time to share a bit more about herself on my blog!

Carlee McDot

Carlee, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to chat a bit. Would you tell my readers a little bit about yourself?

Hey Virjinia! Thanks so much for having me on the blog (and for that super sweet intro!)! I am honored that you want to tell my story to your readers – YOU’RE THE BEST! Anywho, a little about me… I am a wife (I married my best friend almost 10 years ago), a dog mama (we rescued a sassy wiener dog mix about 5 years ago), a runner (I didn’t start running until my late twenties, but once I started I guess I couldn’t stop), a vegetarian (I went plant-based about 13.5 years ago), a Michigan/ Detroit sports fan (although we currently live in the sunny San Diego area, I’m a born and raised Michigan girl with strong loyalties to the Midwest), a change maker (I truly believe one person can make a difference), a sunshine lover (I crave that giant golden orb), and a world wanderer (the hubby and I love to adventure whenever and wherever possible).

Carlee McDot

What got you interested in running?

I found running on a whim. My hubby has a ton of hobbies (art, rock climbing, surfing, guitars, etc), but I felt like I didn’t have anything I could call my own. At the beginning of 2012 a friend of mine told me about runDisney. She knew I loved Disney and suggested I check it out. I figured that even if I hated running, at least I would be running in the “happiest place on earth” so decided I’d give it a shot. On my lunch breaks I started walking for about 30 minutes a day, slowly building up the endurance (and courage) to hit up the office gym and try the elliptical. After a couple months I transitioned to running outside and I guess you can say the rest is history. Since running my first half marathon in 2012 I have racked up countless 5Ks and 10Ks, 40+ half marathons, and 17 full marathons (including the 2018 Boston Marathon).

How did you start blogging? Was it something you envisioned yourself doing full time?

I started blogging as a way to keep my family and friends back in Michigan informed on what was going on… You see, I moved to California four days after graduating from the University of Michigan in 2006. Instead of sending update emails to everyone, I figured I’d post the goings-on in my life on the InterWebs. I would say for the first few years (my blog has been active for about 11.5 years now) my parents were the only ones consistently reading it. Once I found running my blog sort of moved more in that direction (since that was the route my life was going). Even though I blog regularly I wouldn’t consider myself a full-time blogger. I don’t get paid to do the majority of my posts, more just share what’s going on and as a record for myself (like an online journal). I have been fortunate to work with a bunch of amazing brands due to my blogger status, but still pinch myself when I realize people other than my parents follow along.

Carlee McDot

Let’s talk about your social media presence, you are always smiling and always positive! Is this something you’re intentional about or is it simply real-life bleeding into your digital life?

What a great question! I would say my positivity portrayed on social media is mostly just my life bleeding over into the screen. With that said, I am cognizant that there is a crap-ton of negativity out in the world, so do my darnedest not to add more whenever possible.

Do you find that this positive outlook has helped you overcome adversity in your life?

I definitely believe positivity has helped (and will continue to help) me overcome diversity in my life. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia during high school. With that disorder comes a myriad of symptoms including widespread pain, fatigue, sleep and memory issues. Although I am in pain 95% of my life, I choose to try and see the bright side (because otherwise there is a deep and dark hole I could easily and quickly spiral into). In ninth grade I was told I wouldn’t die from the disorder, but I would die with it, so it was up to me to decide what kind of life I wanted to live. And I am not going to let fibromyalgia run my life, I WILL RUN MY LIFE!

You’ve touched upon this a few times throughout your blog but what’s one bible verse you lean on when times get tough?

One of my favorite Bible verses can be found in Micah. In verse 8 we are told what God requires of us – “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” Often times we make our Christian walk so complicated, but it really comes down to very basic principles. Life can be tough, really tough, but if we can do our best to love God and love others with all that we’ve got, we can know our Heavenly Father will be proud of us.

Describe your current season of life in five words.

My current season of life in five words? Enjoying every moment and blessing.

If you could go back and tell teenage Carlee anything, what would it be?

Oh, wow, this is a deep one! At least you saved it till the end, right?! If I could go back and tell teenage Carlee anything I would tell her that it gets better, that she should be confident in who she is, that her voice matters and she should never let anyone dull her sparkle, that she is loved and that one day she will look back and be amazed at all of the amazing people, experiences and moments that make up her life.


I’d like to thank Carlee again for taking time to chat a bit. She’s truly a fun person and I enjoy seeing her on my Twitter and Instagram feed. It’s great when you find another like minded runner who takes joy in each and every step. If you need some motivation or just a positive pick-me-up, you can find her all over social media!





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