Running Season: Take Two

fit athlete during training on running track

Early on in the summer, it seemed apparent that there would be no running this year. Race after race was cancelling and runners everywhere just kept getting sadder. It frustrated me when certain races swore they were still on at the beginning of all this. However, it seems like there may be some changes (at least here in Texas) and some races may still be happening.


I’ll admit once everything started cancelling, the thought of doing virtual races was just not for me. Any other time and I would have been up for it but the pandemic put me in a sour mood so virtual races just seemed lame. I received complimentary virtual race entries so it turns out I actually have a handful of those to do.

Trail races seem to be making a comeback here in Texas so I’ve decided to throw my name in the hat. There will be mask zones and wave starts to reduce contact as much as possible. The precautions outlined by the race directors are good enough to make me feel comfortable about running these races. The numbers in the state have started to go down so I think this is probably the best that it’s going to get.

I’m currently signed up for a trail 10k in October that I’m very excited for. I haven’t done a race on this specific trail but it looks so fun. Here’s hoping that the weather also cooperates and cools down a bit! There is also a Thankgiving trail run that I’m doing in November! Since this year’s turkey trot has already been cancelled by the city, this looks like it will be a great substitute!

The virtual races that I did get entries for will serve as training runs and personal time trials. I won’t be keeping any PRs I record because I save those for races. It will be a good way to measure my progress for the year and see the work I’ve put in. A few of my Peloton friends are doing a virtual race together as well! We’ve been running on the treadmill for the majority of summer so it will be nice to “race” together.

I’m glad that my season hasn’t been a complete wash but I know others may not have been as lucky. I hope that all the runs you have put in this summer have made you a stronger runner! Even without a race, you can still see how far you’ve come.

Have you signed up for virtual races? Have races started popping back up in your area?


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