Meditation and How It Can Benefit You

four rock formation

It’s not a secret that our stress levels are at an all time high at the moment. We are still dealing with the pandemic and many are starting school this week. One way or another, we have to continue with life. One thing that can help in actually addressing the stress we’re feeling is meditation. Even if you haven’t done it before, I challenge you to give it a try.

Meditation and How It Can Benefit You

There are many different forms of meditation and everyone has a specific one that works for them. The meditation that has helped me the most is the Mindfulness Meditation practices from the Peloton platform. These meditations range from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Weaving these throughout my day has helped me keep calm in stressful meditation.

If you have never tried meditation before, pop into a 5 minute class. It may seem like your brain can’t stop racing while you’re sitting there and that’s okay. Your mind is constantly churning, we’re all designed that way. The goal is to acknowledge those thoughts but focus on your breath. Bringing all those thoughts back into your breath will begin to calm you down. Like all new things, meditation takes practice and you’ll find it easier as you do it more often.

Guided meditations help me because depending on what I’m feeling, these meditations help me accept it and move on. Sometimes days are just stressful and taking five minutes to acknowledge that actually helps in the long run. We’re so used to pushing PAST the discomfort that we don’t really address it. Taking five minutes to sit and think it through then sets us on a path to truly moving away from that discomfort and growing from it.

Meditation doesn’t have to be this hugely spiritual event. Sometimes we just need five minutes to sit still. If you’re a parent, you might have locked yourself in the bathroom to hide from your kids for a few minutes. This is kind of similar but you are using those five minutes to truly find a breath of fresh air instead of mindlessly scrolling social media. Take this stressful time to truly lean into the art of meditation.

Even if it doesn’t turn into a daily practice, meditation can be something you go to when you need a moment to think. We are bombarded daily with so many stimuli that sometimes we just need a moment. If you are feeling this way, I invite you to try a five minute meditation and see how you feel afterwards.

Do you have a meditation practice?


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