Learning Something New

Learning Something New

A majority of the country is still working from home or doing a type of hybrid schedule. Some others may be able to continue working like normal but there isn’t much to do since travel is limited. What a better time for learning something new!

Learning Something New

It can be a bit daunting and may even sound like it would be adding something to your plate but hear me out. Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? This would be a wonderful time to do that. One of my friends has a language tutor so not only is he learning a new language but he’s getting face to face (er, screen to screen) time to practice what he’s learning. Yes, you can learn a new language with apps but having programs where you are connected with live tutors give you something to look forward to!

What about dancing? I am absolutely terrible at it. I like to think I’m good but I’m nowhere near the professionals. One of the months while I was at home, I mustered up the courage to join a monthly dance challenge group. Each day of the month there was a new move introduced with various tutorials. Within the group, there was a chat where we could send videos back and forth and get help. It’s a great way to get out of your comfort zone while still staying home.

Have you been curious about a certain type of workout? I’ve seen so many different online workout classes pop up during this time. Never taken a Barre class before but you’re curious? Why not sign up for a beginner class and try it out at home? There are classes with live instruction where you can get pointers for your form!

The common denominator among these ideas is the fact that these also foster connection. Yes, it’s not the same as in person relationships and these may not be super deep connections but it will give you a break in the monotony. Even if you are able to get out of the house for work, the days can start to run together with the stress of everything going on. Learning a new task or picking up an old talent is a great to break up the monotony!

Have you picked up something new during this time? What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but never found the time to learn?


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