2018: My Year So Far!

Can you believe we are already at the end of March? How wild is that?! Seriously, it seems like time flies by and just as I’m getting into the swing of things, we are in a new season. I’ll get myself together one of these days, I promise! Since we are already 25% done with this year, I figured I would do a bit of a first quarter reflection and just fill you in on what’s been happening so far!

2018: My Year So Far

My Year So Far: Fitness

At the beginning of the year, I made the decision that 2018 was going to be all about Chicago. Yes, I know putting all my eggs into one basket isn’t the best idea but it’s almost like a redemption year for me. I didn’t do as well as I wanted to with the Houston Marathon so I really want to work hard and train smart as I head into Chicago. I came into this year with a craptastic back problem which has gotten better through physical therapy and reformer Pilates. Heavy lifting is back in my routine (for a while) and my mobility is back to where it used to be. The beginning of the year was a “meh” as far as fitness goes but I’ve felt better and better with each passing day!

My Year So Far: Nutrition

Another focus for this year is my nutrition. For a while, it felt like I was hitting a brick wall when it came to eating well. I was in a slump and wasn’t fueling my body properly. After meeting with a nutritionist, my nutrition has a done a HUGE 180. I eating more delicious food, increasing my plant based recipes and have felt an energy increase. My eating wasn’t horrible but it seems like the problem was that I wasn’t eating enough of the right foods! I’m excited to continue this habit and see what changes happen in the upcoming month.

My Year So Far: Life

This one has been all over the place. 2018 has brought some new experiences into my life and has taught me to really live in the moment. I still have my planning tendencies but I’ve learned that some days it’s not going to happen and that’s okay. My reading and prayer time has actually increased on a daily basis and has brought me peace in this chaotic season. I’ve already stepped out of my comfort zone many times this year and have been blessed by amazing new friendships!

My Year So Far: What’s Next!

April will be another month of building my base and playing with heavy weights. I plan on getting all my heavy lifting fun out before I start cutting back in May. May will begin more specific run training and maybe some smaller local races. Thanks to the longer days, I expect to be able to attend many more social runs and experience more running trails around town! Nutrition will continue to be sometime I keep an eye on. Testing out plant based fuel as well as energy gels will be a big goal as well. June will bring back training in the Texas heat so adaptation will be the name of the game! I can’t wait to see how training goes and how my body adapts to longer runs!

How has your year been so far? Have you accomplished any goals yet?


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