The End Of Another CrossFit Open Season!

equipment for exercise on the floor

This past week was the third and last workout of the 2022 CrossFit Open! This was a great year to test my improvement and I’m proud of how it went. Here’s a quick recap of the third workout.

Need to catch up? Here’s my breakdown of Week One and Week Two!

A few weeks prior to the beginning of the Open, CrossFit HQ sends out an equipment list. There are also a few movements that are be repeated every year. As the weeks go by, we can cross things off. Given the elements of the first two workouts, I knew that the third workout would focus on my weakness: gymnastics. It’s something that I struggle to work on because I get discouraged easily. However given how my other two workouts went well, I think more gymnastics will be in my future.

CrossFit Open 22.3

Workout 22.3

Once the workout was released, I knew I would be going scaled. I had a few pull ups in me but I still can’t do double unders. In a way this was a weight lifted for me. My strategy was to go as fast as I can and get to the pull ups. Once I got to the pull ups I would use the remainder of the time to try to crank out as many as I could. Gymnastics has taken a back seat for me in the past few months so I knew it probably wouldn’t be many.

Friday morning came around and I was excited to give it a shot. I talked strategy with my gym friend as he was giving pull ups a shot. I gave him a few pointers and it was so awesome to see that he was able to get all the pulls ups done! He had never done a pull up before then so I think he surprised himself with that too.

When it came to my turn, I armed myself with my new grips and gave it my best shot. I was able to get 4 regular pull ups and I was so dang proud of myself! I’m kind of mentally kicking myself for not trying out a “chin up” grip on the bar just to see if I could have gotten more but it is what it is. I know there’s people out there that can’t do a pull up so I’m proud of my score!

Moving Forward

Overall these three weeks have shown my improvement over the last year. It’s so rewarding to see my hard work pay off. It’s also awesome to see every one push each other to achieve PRs or movements that they had never been able to do before! Gymnastics will definitely be a focus of mine in the next few weeks and I’ve set a few goals for myself along the way.

I have also been training for a race during this so it’s safe to say I’m glad the Open is over. Timing my runs and workouts with the Open workouts each week has been a bit stressful so I’m glad it’s one less thing on my plate. My trail race is around the corner and I can’t wait to see how that goes!

Can you do an unassisted pull up? Have you ever trained for two different events simultaneously?


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