February Goals!

set of monthly calendars with weekly dates

While we’re technically in the second week of the month, I have just now gotten the time to figure out my goals for the next few weeks. It felt like January just dragged on but February hit the ground running! My February goals are split into two categories, running and CrossFit.

February Goals

February Goals: Running

Running has taken a bit of a backseat to my strength training and CrossFit for the past few months. However, I’ve signed up for a race! You read that right! I am officially training for a trail run at the end of March. I’m still trying to keep my schedule somewhat the same so I’m tweaking a few things here and there to get miles during the week. I figure signing up for a 10k will be just enough of a challenge without being miserable. Plus at such a short distance I don’t have to reduce the amount of strength training I do. Road races don’t really interest me at the moment but running on the trails all around the state does. I hope to do a few more trail races this year but I’m focusing on this one for the moment!

February Goals: CrossFit

Another reason why I’m working on getting miles in while keeping my training schedule somewhat the same is because the CrossFit Open is coming up! The CrossFit Open is an opportunity to compete with other athletes all over the world. This year there will be three different workouts and I’m excited to see what they are! I’ve worked so hard on getting stronger this past year so hopefully I’ll be able to be more competitive. My gym is holding a competition for its members as well so I’m looking forward to that!

February may be a short month but it’s already jam packed. Between social events and training, it’s sure to go by quickly!

What goals are you chasing this month?


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