Getting Back Into A Routine

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Have you been way from the workout mat for a while? It is something that truly happens to all of us! Whether it’s due to sickness or just life, here are a few tips on how to get moving again!

Getting Back Into A Routine

Tip #1 – Take It Slow

I’ve been battling a cold so I know that even though I want to jump right back into my routine, maybe it’s best to start out with a short walk. If you have been gone for a while, it may take some time for your body to readjust to that workout. Consider a shorter or modified workout when you’re starting up again and take it slow.

Tip #2 – Be Kind To Yourself

This is a big one as it’s very easy to think “Before I stopped, I used to be able to run a certain distance/lift a certain weight/do something.” I’ll say again that comparison is a thief of joy. Often we realize when we compare ourselves against others but there’s times where we compare ourselves against past self. Be kind to yourself and celebrate the fact that you are able to return to movement in general!

Tip #3 – Set Appropriate Milestones

When you’ve been away for a while, it may be temping to never start back up again. However having something to look forward to can motivate you to keep showing up even after starting again. For example, if you’re back to running after a break, work your way up in increments. Maybe this week you aim for a 20 minute workout and then next week for a 25 minute workout. Being mindful of where you’re at now and setting appropriate goals can motivate you and will allow room for improvement.

Those are just a few things I keep in mind when I experience a set back. Sometimes it’s easy to hop back into the routine but if it’s taking you a bit longer, I suggest checking out these tips and enjoying the journey!

How do you get back to it after an extended break from exercising?


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