Spring Running Goals

Spring Running Goals

It’s Friday and it’s technically been Spring for a while but your girl has fallen a bit off track. Also, Houston had like this weird cold front last week so I’m still trying to figure out what season we’re going for today. Regardless, a quarter of the year has gone and now it’s time for more goals! I like to keep a list of things I’m working toward. My goals are specific but sometimes life does get in the way, and that’s okay! I share these for accountability and just because writing it makes it real.

Spring Running Goals!

Spring Running Goals

  • Prioritize recovery
  • Stop eating so much candy
  • Trust the process
  • Put in the work wisely

Prioritizing recovery is a must for me. This time around, my goal is speed. Yes, I can run for miles on end and enjoy it. However, pick ups in the middle and the end of runs are a whole different animal. As I’ve gotten better with speed, my legs have been responding differently. “Short” runs are wearing me out in ways that they haven’t before. I’m sore in new places and it’s a learning process. Being able to recover effectively will keep me on an upward trajectory when it comes to running and meeting my goals.

What does eating candy have to do with running? EVERYTHING. I’m honestly not a huge candy eater but I’ve been justifying them with the work I do. This kind of thinking is BOGUS and I don’t tolerate it because with my past of disoriented eating, it will lead to a downward spiral. I limit my candy intake to weekends or special occasions and don’t binge. It keeps me from justifying eating a pound of chocolate at 10am on a Tuesday. Weird but trust me, I’ve done it.

Trusting the process is harder for me because I am using a coach. I like to be in control. There. I said it. Marathon is a different animal but using a coach for a shorter distance is a bit tougher for me for some reason. However, he knows what he’s doing and I’m all in. Even if I can’t see past the next few days in the training plan, I’m going to trust that it will work out and my legs will indeed get speedy. (Spoiler alert, they already have)

Putting in the work wisely ties into that last point. There are hundreds of fitness classes in the city and I do have an unlimited gym membership. However, my main priority is running so it wouldn’t be smart to trash my legs with heavy lifting. I need to plan my strength training and recovery days around my running to make sure I am getting stronger and not setting myself up for injury.

So there you have it. A bit late but I finally go to it. I’m looking forward to some traveling I’m doing soon and I hope to keep up my training and keep seeing results. I’ll do a recap of my race in a few weeks and share what I’ve done so far!

What are your Spring goals?


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