Overcoming Failure

Overcoming Failure

Happy Wednesday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day and a great week so far. I wanted to change it up a bit today and share a bit of what’s been on my mind lately. With social media, it’s so common to focus on all the highs and the accomplishments but no one ever talks about the inevitability that is failure. Overcoming failure looks different to each and every person.

Overcoming Failure

First off, failure looks different to each and every person. Not being able to run a race in a certain amount of time may not be a big deal for someone who hasn’t been able to run at all. Whether it is in fitness or in other parts of your life, failure will happen. One thing I will say is that while it may not be a big deal to anyone else and others may not understand it, your feelings are 100% valid. Part of overcoming failure is understanding that. We are humans after all and feelings exist for a reason.

One tip I will give for overcoming failure is to get yourself out of that funk. Yes, feel those feelings and allow yourself to be upset. See what went wrong but then make a plan to move past it. Whether it is something in your control or not, what can you do when you are faced with that situation again? If it’s something in your personal life, there’s a good chance it will happen again. Only you can figure out your triggers and why you make the decisions you do. If you are in a habit of making bad choices in a certain area, reach out to someone who may be able to help. You don’t have to do everything on your own!

When it is something out of your control, remind yourself of that. You don’t know why they chose another candidate over you or why you didn’t get the opportunity you wanted. Focus on what you DO know. Counter those negative thoughts that may be running around in your mind with positive ones. You are in control of every thought that comes through your head. Remind yourself of that and live your day in a positive manner!

What about you? What are some ways you go about overcoming failure?


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