What If You Don’t Want To Workout?


This week has been weird for me. The rainy weather has been ruining my plans and with my father-in-law in the hospital, I’ve been a big ball of blah. In situations like this, I like to surround myself with people and activities that make me happy and keep my anxiety levels at bay. Lately, this has been easier said than done.

Monday morning was supposed to be an easy run around the neighborhood. No time or distance limit, just listen to my music and run. Normally, running makes me feel so dang happy and my heart is practically bursting with joy. But Monday? Running was the last thing I wanted to do. Since I was already wide awake (and I had to wash my hair anyways), I opted to stretch and do yoga. I even challenged myself to close my eyes during the whole video and just take vocal cues.

What If You Don't Want To Workout?

A lingering feeling stayed with me that morning, why did I not want to workout? I don’t know another way to say it but I’m a very emotional person. When I’m happy, I’m so dang happy it’s annoying. Kind of like the Poppy character from Trolls. The same is true, if I’m truly upset about something, I need time to process it before moving forward.


Joining a crosstraining gym has kept me from slipping into a funk!

One thing I know is that if you don’t want to workout even though you’ve been in a routine recently, there may be an underlying issue.

Reasons Why You Don’t Want To Workout
  1. You’re Upset About Something

    You may be unconsciously holding on to something. Now, you may not be the emotional type but I would really examine what’s got you in a funk. Sometimes, working out can be an escape from other areas in your life and can be beneficial. Other times, you’re just not in the mood.

  2. Your Body Is Tired/Stressed Out

    A new job or a drastic change in routine may have you DREADING the gym. Staying up late to work or study can also have an effect on your body. You can chug coffee and pre-workout until the cows come home but your body will soon tell you enough is enough. I’m the worse when it comes to this and I’ll keep pushing until I’m in bed and can’t hardly move due to aches and soreness. I have no choice but to get a full nights sleep to function again. Life goes through ebbs and flows so I would try to find a pattern and introduce your workouts in slowly.

  3. You’re Bored With Your Routine

    If hitting the gym is most of your social activity, you may fall into this category eventually. It’s totally fine to be bored and not care for a workout. Even if your workouts change every day, you still may not be jumping out of bed to hit the gym. I would try a new studio or workout or just take a break all together! A few missed sessions will not affect your fitness at all.

Once you find the reason why you’re just not feeling it, it’s really up to you on how to move forward. Doing it for the same of getting through a workout may not always be the best answer. Sometimes, you just need to take a break and practice grace. Do what feels good and you’ll be much happier!

What’s one way you switch up your workouts?


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