Tips To Become A Morning Person!

Tips To Become A Morning Person!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “The early bird gets the worm.” My mom is a HUGE believer of this saying. She’s a natural morning person and her internal clock always wakes her up before the sun is even up! Me? Not so much, haha! It’s true. I am NOT a morning person.

Tips To Become A Morning Person

However, if you follow me on Instagram you can see from my stories that I’m usually up pretty early. I found that early morning workouts make me feel so much better. When I first started getting into a routine, it was like pulling teeth. I HATED getting up early and it took so much effort to get anything done. Getting out of bed before the sun comes up is rough but totally doable.

Morning Tip #1: Start Slow

If you normally start your day around eight or nine, don’t set an alarm for 4AM! Your body will have a hard time adjusting and you’re morning likely to give it up quicker. Start waking up a half hour early a few days a week. Your sleep schedule will gradually adjust and you may find that you start getting up a bit easier. When you are first starting out, stick to a few days a week.

Morning Tip #2: Have A Game Plan

What do you want to do with your mornings? Do you want to hit the gym? Do you want to meditate and read? Whatever you want to do, make sure you have your plan set out and everything ready to go. I tend to lay out all my workout clothes and anything I need for my workout that particular day. I find that it keeps me from getting stressed out early in the morning and it also gives me less excuses to sleep in. Get everything ready the night before so you are ready to go in the morning!

Related: How I Stay Productive Daily

Morning Tip #3: Head to Bed Earlier

I feel like this is a given but I’m still putting it on the list. You will have an easier time getting out of bed the next day if you go to sleep at a reasonable time! You don’t have to be in bed by 8PM (unless you want to!) If you want to get up 30 minutes earlier, then head to bed 30 minutes earlier. I’ll say it again, small incremental changes will make it much easier to adapt.

Morning Tip #4: Unplug

We have a “No Phone Rule” in the evenings in my household. It gives us time to connect but it also lets our brains know it’s time to slow down. I would recommend removing all electronics from your bedroom to remove any temptation. If you use your phone as an alarm, set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” so you don’t have notifications tempting you. In the morning, I challenge you to stay off your phone. Get out of bed when the alarm goes off and start on your plan for the day. By getting on your phone right as you wake up, you’re sending your brain into overload and not giving yourself enough time to start your day off right.

Start small and incorporate a few of these tips. While you may never be a super jolly morning person (guilty!), it may be easier to get out of bed earlier and have a more productive day. Let me know which tips you try out and what works for you!

Do you have any tips that have helped you conquer the mornings?


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