Staying Hydrated On The Go

Raise your hand if you know you know you are not drinking enough water throughout the day. We get so busy in our day and doing a million things that we forget to take care of ourselves and do what we need most. As you know, our bodies are mostly water so if you want to keep everything running smoothly, you have to make sure you are staying hydrated on the go!

BCAA Hydration

BCAAs are a good way to hydrate too!

Benefits Of Staying Hydrated

Drinking water regularly helps your body run smoothly. Even if you aren’t working out, you still need to drink water. Cold water can give you a nice boost of energy and drinking water in the morning can get your metabolism the boost it needs.

Staying hydrated throughout the day also helps your muscles and joints work better. By having the proper intake of fluids, your body can remove waste efficiently so you do better in your workouts. This also gets your kidneys working which help flush toxins from your body regularly. Removing toxins sounds like a great thing to me!

You may be dehydrated and not even know it. If you aren’t staying hydrated throughout the day, you may start to get irritable and having a headache building up. Studies have shown that daily intake of water can help mood and reduce irritability. Staying hydrated really affects all parts of your body.

Tips To Stay Hydrated

Obviously water is the optimum choice when it comes to drinking fluids. You want to make sure you are drinking water daily to ensure you’re drinking enough. Infusing water with fruits or herbs are a good way to add flavor while still getting the water you need.

Fruits and vegetables are good sources as well. Cucumbers, watermelon, and cantaloupe are just a few fruits and veggies that have a good amount of water in them. There’s also watermelon, coconut, and maple water in stores with minimal sugars that are a good way to enjoy a treat while helping your body!Hydrated Coconut Water

Be mindful of coffee and tea. Ever get a dry mouth soon after drinking these? These are diuretics which can dehydrate you if you have too much throughout the day.

These are just a few ways to change up your water habit. Give it a try and let me know what works best with you! In the end, you want to make sure that you listen to your body throughout the day and give it what it needs.

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