My Goals For 2018!

It’s officially the last Friday of the year! 2017 has been such a good year to me. It wasn’t without some difficulties but I’ve made so many friends and have grown in ways I wouldn’t have expected. I’ve already signed up for some races in the next couple months and I’m ready to get started in this season of training. Here are a few goals I have for the new year:

My Goals For 2018!

Fitness Goals:
  1. Get a coach and run a strong marathon in Chicago
  2. Focus on upper body and core strength throughout marathon training
  3. Use spring races as “dress rehearsal” for race day routines
  4. Stretch and foam roll on a consistent basis (5 days a week minimum)
Relationship Goals:
  1. Enjoy time with friends and loved ones without being attached to my phone
  2. Do things for the experience, not for the picture
  3. Make communication a priority and don’t just assume what others are thinking
Life/Work Goals:
  1. Make a daily schedule and plan time for blog/social media work
  2. Know my limits and don’t be afraid to say no
  3. Do productive work, don’t just work to fill the time

I plan on checking in with these goals on a monthly basis and see where I am. I plan on running a few smaller races in the spring just to stay active before marathon training as well. 2017 taught me so much and I believe carrying that over and listening to my body will make me much more successful in 2018. I can’t wait to see how it goes!

Do you have any goals for the new year?


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