My Favorite Meditation App!

With everything we have going on nowadays and a billion commitments to tend to, how do you find time to relax? If you’re anything like most people, your time to relax usually involves some form of technology: scrolling through Facebook or Instagram or mindlessly watching TV. While I do believe these can be a way to unwind, I found meditation takes it to another level. 

Meditation isn’t just sitting in a room and chanting random things. While there is a type of meditation that can include chanting, I lean toward Guided Meditations or Body Scans.

My favorite way to meditate is by using the Calm App! This free app includes so many different types of meditations you can go through. There are even a few premium programs you can download within the app as well.
If I’m having trouble sleeping or I simply can’t get my mind to stop racing, I pull up the app and go through a Body Scan. By blocking out all other things going on in my mind and simple focusing on how my body feels at the moment helps me reign in my mind. It helps me quiet all other thoughts and truly helps me drift away.

Another time I like to meditate is when I’m sitting in the bathtub. It seems that whenever I don’t have something to occupy me, my mind starts going crazy. Going through a topical meditation such as Forgiveness or Loving Kindness really helps me center myself and truly relax.

My favorite thing about the app is that you can pick how long you want to meditate with each program. Even if you have five minutes to spare, you can still get through most of the meditations. If you’re experienced, you can even choose to go through an Unguided Meditation. There’s also a breath timer to help you slow down and take deep breaths.

If you’re ever left feeling stressed or anxious about something, I would recommend downloading the Calm App and giving it a try. I would suggest starting your day with meditation if possible. If not, meditation before bed can help you quiet your mind and may help you sleep better!

Do you normally meditate to unwind?


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