Incorporating Supplements Into Your Diet

Let’s be honest here. I’m sure you’ve all been scrolling on Instagram and have seen multiple people showing off their protein supplements and things like that. Heck, I’m guilty of having a few posts about my favorite supplements: Unico Nutrition. I know some people have questions like, how do I go about incorporating supplements into my diet? Should I even take them? Let’s break it down!


Workout Essentials!

Protein Supplements: What Are They?

Commercial protein supplements may consist of whey, casein, soy, egg albumin, goat or cow milk, wheat, beef, pea, hemp, or brown rice. Protein supplements can be in the form of isolates (a pure protein source), concentrates (which are not as pure as the isolate form), hydrolysates (which are chemically and/or enzymatically digested resulting in a product that is quickly absorbed), and blends (a combination of various protein sources and purity levels). Supplements can be in the form of ready-to- drink shakes, bars, bites, oats, and gels and powders, and come in a variety of flavors.

Etcheverry, Ph.D. By Paz. “KAPLAN UNIVERSITY: Protein Supplements: The Good, The Bad, and & The Ugly….” KAPLAN UNIVERSITY: Protein Supplements: The Good, The Bad, and & The Ugly…. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.

In simple words, supplements can help you meet your daily protein needs. This is completely different for each person and can vary if you are training or having high intensity workouts.

Should You Take Supplements?

It truly depends on whether or not you’re meeting your dietary needs. I want to say that most people do not meet their needs. We are usually always on the go and I know SOOOO MANY people skip breakfast. This is one less chance to get all the nutrients your body needs.

After meeting with my doctor and getting my yearly check up, she had me write down everything I eat for a week. She noticed some trends but most of it was that my diet was imbalanced and I was not eating enough protein. I was eating at a HUGE deficit and that’s why I was not seeing the results I was training for.

There’s many online calculators or formulas that can help you figure out the amount of fats, carbs, and protein you need to eat in a day. Again this varies for each person and if you want to build muscle, it will change as well. If you have the option to visit a nutritionist, this is what I would recommend. You’ll gain valuable information and get more help in applying it to your daily life.

So It’s Just Protein Shakes, What’s The Big Deal?

Protein can be taken through supplements in the form of shakes, bars, and other recipes or you can eat it naturally. My big push for adding these to your diet is because most people are simply not eating enough. I would always recommend whole foods when possible but I know that I find convenience in a smoothie with protein in it or a clean protein bar when I’m on the go. This way my nutrition stays on point and I can continue to make improvements in my running. I would definitely recommend tracking what you eat and make sure that you’re getting everything your body needs.

Do you have a favorite protein supplement or bar? Let me know!


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