How to Stay Injury Free While Running

First of all, these are just a few tips. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. When I first started running, I wasn’t given much direction. I actually kept getting hurt and rolling my ankle and had no idea why. With some studying and help from physical therapists, I wanted to share what I learned to spare you some aggravation!

So one of the first things I tell people is, get fitted for running shoes! You may be able to pick one out from the store and be fine but as you increase mileage you will need to get the proper shoe for the type of running you are doing. When I first started running, the shoes I had did not offer me the support I needed, therefore I kept rolling my ankles. Since being fitted, I haven’t had that issue.

Stretching after your run is necessary. I once had someone tell me that your stretching and cool down period should be about half of the time of your run. Now, I wouldn’t necessarily hold you to this but stretching and mobility exercises are a major part of your running health. I know it may seem tedious but trust me it’s worth it.

Love my yoga mat from FlowMats

Love my yoga mat from FlowMats

To add on to that note, yoga is a GREAT addition to any running routine. Whether it’s a studio class or a YouTube video (I recommend Yoga With Adriene), you’ll stretch and strengthen your legs. Yoga will help ease any tightness and soreness and I definitely believe it speeds up recovery time.

Now this tip can be addressed two different ways. Foam rolling is a necessary evil. Depending of what you use, you’ll be able to get rid of knots in your muscles. If you have knots in your muscles, you run the risk of making them worse and having your other muscles overcompensate which often leads to injury.

If you’re able to, getting a deep tissue or sports massage is the way to go! By visiting your therapist regularly, they can help keep injuries at bay and keep you running longer. As I said before, this can also help speed up recovery.

And finally, allow yourself rest days! But I mean, REAL rest days. Not “let me go to the mall and walk around and do five workout videos” rest day. A day where you get all you can out of the way and allow yourself to sit on the couch and rest your feet. I try to schedule a bath with Epson salts on my rest day as well because I really feelĀ it helps relive sore muscles.

Taking care of yourself is crucial when it comes to staying healthy while running!


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