Charity Fitness and Packing Weekend!

Guys, I have to brag on the Houston weather this week. It’s been so nice and it actually feels like spring. I’m milking it for all I can because I know how bad Texas summers can be!


I’m going to start this recap a bit early. My week was going alright but I can say stress has been at an all time high. Luckily, I knew that I would have many chances to spend time with fun people who would cheer me up!

My Thursday spin class hits up happy hour at one of the neighborhood bars. It’s super fun because they have swings and taco trucks! It’s basically an adult playground. Riley always makes me laugh and just forget about my workweek. I’m not really one to drink or go to happy hours but since I’ve gone to these, I’ve actually made friends and connected with so many cool girls! It was just what I needed!


Friday was the usual work day with our quiet date night which I greatly appreciated! I knew that I would get a hard workout Saturday so I took all the rest I could get.

Saturday morning started out nice and quiet. Jordan and I have continued our Dexter binge watching. By the morning, we were on season three. I like to be proactive and foam roll and stretch while watching the episodes.

There was a charity event that a few friends were holding. It was a workout at a crossfit studio while fundraising for a charity that provides wheelchairs to children in need. Luckily enough, I was able to donate a lot of protein products from Unico Nutrition. I really stand behind these products so I love to share these with whoever I can!

The workout was INTENSE. I had never gone to a crossfit gym before. This workout was solely body weight exercises but they were so hard. I truly believe misery loves company because I definitely made friends throughout all the sweat. I was dripping in sweat by the end but I was on cloud nine.

Kyle and Meg are the amazing founders of Fitness In The Loop!

After the workout, I went home and I was starved. Does anyone else get like this after hard workouts? The rest of the evening was spent walking around the house like a zombie, groaning with soreness. We finished the evening with a protein rich Greek burger and some more Dexter!


I woke up on Sunday feeling like I got hit by a BUS. These moves were nothing new but the high repetitions left me so sore. Jordan and I went to the park to run. I jogged for a loop to continue testing out my shoes and try to flush out some soreness. The walk did help but I looked like a hot mess in church, haha!

After church, we took a much needed nap. According to Jordan, I was out like a light and I snored. Talk about exhausted! When I woke up, I was really craving a snowcone so I bribed my husband with one if he started the laundry for me. I’m not the only one who does this right? We actually finished off season three of Dexter by Sunday evening after meal prep and all the chores were done!

This week will be short for me since the hubby and I are heading off to New Mexico for the weekend! I’m terribly excited since it will be our first trip flying together! I’ll definitely share our adventures next week.

Have you had a snow cone yet this year?


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