Best Pre Workout Snacks

Energy snacks

So now that you’re eating healthy and going to the gym, you’re probably looking at all the food you eat. Are you making sure you’re eating the right foods before a workout? Sure, there’s pre-workout drinks and energy drinks that you can take but what if you’re hungry? Why not have some of these snacks before your next workout and see how your performance improves?

Before we dig into all the good stuff, I want to say that you want to find the timing that works for you. It may depend on the type of workout you are doing but you don’t want to eat right before you exercise. Have a snack 30 minutes before so your food can settle. When I have a spin class in the evening, I eat my snack on the drive over because it gives my body enough time to digest it and it gives me the boost I need!

Carbs are your friend! In this case, carbs will give you the boost of energy you need. When you eat the right kinds before a workout, you’ll be energized to start and your energy levels should stay steady. Having these snacks before a workout will get you pumped to get started!

snack rice cake
Rice Cake & Peanut Butter

This is such a simple snack and you can have this on the go! The race cake is a carb that will give you energy and the peanut butter is just the right amount of protein you need. I would recommend this snack for a weight training session or a long run or cardio class.

snack oatmeal
Oats & Berries

If you’re an early bird, this one is for you! Oats and berries is a great mix because oatmeal will be slow to digest so it will keep you satisfied throughout your workout. The berries serve as a carb as well as antioxidants to fight against workout-induced stressors on the body,

snack banana

Why not enjoy a sweet snack before a workout? Fruits are nature’s sweet so these are great to have. Bananas are great because they will fuel your workout and have potassium, which will keep you from exercise induced cramps. Apples are can be paired with peanut butter as well for a nice mix of carbs and protein.

Snack Bars

Now if you’d rather have a snack bar, you have to be REALLY careful. You want to make sure what you are eating isn’t full of sugar because then you aren’t really benefiting from it. Check the ingredients of the bars at the store. My favorites are Larabars and Cliffbars.


Depending on your workout, you may not need a snack! Sometimes, I will do fasted cardio but afternoon workouts always call for a snack. Try one of these combos out and let me know how it works for you!

What’s your favorite pre-workout snack?


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