Are Your Friendships Healthy?

Everyone has that one friend who is always sad, or a negative Nancy. Now, if there is a genuine reason to be upset, then that’s fine. However, a person being a downer to the point where my affects your life is NOT OKAY. Today we’re talking about friendships and their impact in your life!

Your friends should be there to lift you up and support you. I have a wide range of friends of many ages and many walks of life. Some of them think I’m cuckoo crazy for running and working out but they’re all like “You do you, boo-boo.” They support me and what makes me happy. I also have friends that workout alongside me and support me that way.

I met these girls through Tone it Up and they are AMAZING!

I met these girls through Tone it Up and they are AMAZING!

Strong friendships

These ladies motivate and inspire me!

Now if you have people in your life that constantly make you feel bad about yourself. That’s not cool. Those people are not your friends. If they make “jokes” at your expense after you’ve told them that that is not okay, then they are not your friends. If they play the comparison game and always go out of their way to show you their bigger and better whatever, they are not your friends.

Surrounding Yourself With Great People

Back when I spoke about self-care, I mentioned that it has to do with your mental health. Surrounding yourself with these toxic people does nothing but make you feel absolutely awful about yourself. You have to find ways to either avoid these people or limit your contact with them. These people do not define your self-worth!

I would challenge you to examine your life and see if any of those things ring a bell. You should hold your head up high and be confident in who you are. You should not let anyone define the type of person you are. If you’re someone who likes to workout regularly and do extreme workouts, then that’s great. If not, then that’s great too!

Ultimately, I would tell you to surround yourself by people you love and people who support you. Once you remove toxic people from your life, you will notice that not only do you have an extra pep in your step, but you’ll find yourself achieving more of your goals. Any goal, whether it’s physical or not, can have a mental aspect to it. If you start listening to naysayers, you may never reach your true potential.

Do a quick search in your heart and see if there may be some friendships that may need to be pushed to the backburner.


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