My 21 Day Fix Review!

As we begin a new year, I’m sure many people are still feeling out their New Year’s Resolutions. After all, this is when the gym is usually packed and memberships are on sale. What if you don’t want to deal with packed gyms and are totally new to all the equipment. What if you just don’t have time for it and would like to do something in the convenience of your own living room? The 21 Day Fix is absolutely convenient and super simple! I just finished my first round of it and I LOVED it!

day fix review

21 Day Fix : My Background

I’m currently training for a marathon and while running does take up most of my time, strength training is absolutely important. I have taken this for granted before and have come out with some pretty gnarly injuries. Injuries frustrate me and I always feel so dumb because most of it could have been prevented with proper strength training or stretching/mobility exercises.

I was looking for something that would be a right balance for running. I like challenging workouts but I couldn’t really handle something that would leave me completely useless for the rest of the week. My legs needed to still be useful for my runs. My friend Jes suggested the 21 Day Fix because it is the simplest program to pick up and it is a good starting point for everyone!

21 Day Fix: The Workouts

What I love about this program is that is seriously covers all parts of your body. There’s certain days of the week that are specifically for your upper body and lower body. There’s also a good mix of cardio sprinkled in. Since you are working out consistently for 21 days, there are also recovery and stretching days that are SUPER important.

My favorite part of the plan is the natural progression of the workouts. When done in order, you don’t feel absolutely awful the next day, but you will feel sore! The dynamic moves engage multiple parts of your body so you’re burning more calories. And my favorite part, the workouts are ONLY 30 MINUTES LONG! Y’all, I’m more likely to wake up for a morning workout when I know it’s only going to be 30 minutes long, I don’t know about you, haha!

21 Day Fix: The Meal Plan

Everyone knows that working out is only part of it right? The awesome part of this program is that it comes with a meal plan and easy color coded portion containers. Seriously, it doesn’t get any easier than this. Sure, macros can work for others but I just get way too tied up in the numbers and it’s a downward spiral for me. The idea behind the containers is that eventually you will be able to see what the correct portion size is so you can continue to build on this healthier lifestyle!

Depending on your nutrition needs, you receive the amount of containers you can have throughout your day as well as some delicious recipes! What I love about it is that you can truly have anything as long as it fits within your container count. One thing that I did have to remind myself is that I’m not going to be eating at a deficit forever and that once the 21 days are completed, I would get a bump up to the maintenance plan. When you workout at the same level consistently, you have to make sure you are fueling your body correctly because that’s where most of the weight gain comes from.

The portion control system has really helped me see that I need to eat MORE! That was probably the best news I received during this program. I can load up on fruits and veggies and know that my hard work will not go away. I truly believe the meal plan is a HUGE addition to the workouts.

21 Day Fix: My Results

So I am not one to take skimpy clad pictures and share them with the internet so I will spare you. However since finishing the program, I have seen an improvement in my running. My pace is normally 10 min/mile but recently I have been able to get back down to my 8 min/mile. I strongly believe this is due to the added strength training and by having a good meal plan to help me fuel after workouts. Having a concrete workout plan means you’re more likely to see results. I have lost inches in my waist and have gained muscle definition in my shoulders and arms. That’s not much to go on but I promise the changes are there!

What Now?

Starting on January 9th, I will start an MMA based program where I will continue to build strength to finish out my marathon training. It’s 30 days of cardio and body weight movements along with an AMAZING meal plan which will continue to help me get results. This time around, I will definitely take measurements to share once I complete this round! I would love for you to join me on this journey to be stronger together! Holding each other accountable will make this journey so much easier and who know’s you may be a natural! Even if you haven’t worked out before or have absolutely no MMA experience, this program will walk you through everything and I’ll help you out with your meal plan.

Why not take 2017 by the horns and start the journey for a happier and healthier you? Click here to send me a message!

Have you done the 21 Day Fix? Did you like it? 



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